Battery Storage

If you are already benefiting from the savings that a solar panel system provides, you might be looking for ways to increase your savings and improve your system. If that is the case, adding battery storage is one of the best ways you can do this.

Adding a battery to your solar panel system enables you to store the excess power being produced (when production is greater than your household demands) so that it can be used later. This is the basic function of battery storage, but with the various smart tariffs available; adding a battery to your system provides additional options for saving.

The best way to improve your system







The electricity generated by your panels first goes to meeting the demands in your home.

Any energy produced by your panels that isn't being used by your home is stored in your battery for use later.

If your battery is full, the excess energy can be sold to the grid thanks to the Smart Export Guarantee (SEG).

The energy in your battery is then used when the demand in your home is higher than the solar production (i.e. At night when your lights are on, but the sun has set).

When your solar panels or battery can't meet the demand in your home, you will have to buy electricity from the grid. This is most likely to happen after sequential cloudy days.

If you have a smart meter installed (you can get one for free from your energy provider), you will have access to a range of smart tariffs. You can take advantage of these by charging your battery when electricity is cheaper for use when it's more expensive.

Check out the diagram below for insight on how battery storage can improve your system.

How does battery storage work?

Join the millions already benefiting from Solar and Battery Solutions

What should I consider when choosing a battery?

When choosing which battery is best for you there are 2 main decisions that you will need to make. These are:

How much storage capacity, in kWh you need?

Do you want to have power during a power cut?

Consulting with professional installers like Zion Energy is the best way to get a bespoke system designed for your home. Zion Energy is committed to working with you to design the best system to fit your household's unique energy requirements. Get in contact now to start your energy journey.

If you aren't sure don't worry! We are here to help guide you to the right decision for you!

Choosing the right battery can be difficult.

Increased savings from solar by storing and using more of what you produce.

New 0% VAT on batteries has made it a better time than ever.

Emergency back-up power with certain batteries
(like the Tesla Powerwall)

Take advantage of cheap evening tariff rates by charging your battery overnight.

Battery storage is a fast-developing technology but one that provides home and business owners with solar panels, a great way to increase their savings. The majority of customers choose to install a battery with their solar panels for the following reasons.

By storing and using more of what your solar panels are producing you can increase your savings

Whether designing a system from scratch or adding a battery retrospectively, our team is here to help walk you through the decision so that you end up with the perfect system for you.

The right battery can reduce your bills even further

Stock photo: Used for illustration purposes only.

0% VAT makes adding a battery even better value

In February 2024, the VAT exception on the installation of solar panels was extended to battery storage. This has meant that the cost associated with retrospectively adding battery storage to your system has been significantly reduced. Now is the time to improve your system with an AC-coupled battery that doesn't affect your feed-in tariff (FiT).

Old Bill

New Bill (PV only)

New Bill (w/ battery)

Charging your battery at night, when energy is cheaper, for use during the day can reduce your bills even further. This is often called 'load shifting'. Since your solar panels are unlikely to produce excess power during the winter months, this can be a great way to utilise your battery and save on your bills.

Smart tariffs provide more ways to save/earn money

The Benefits of Battery Storage

Charge battery when electricity is cheap

And sell to the grid when price is highest